Carolina King

Carolina King

74.2k Followers / Subscribers
Hispanic / Latino
Relationship Status
Some College
English, Spanish
Female(In Elementary)
Female(In Elementary)
Eng. Rate
Avg. Eng. Per Post
Predicted Audience Gender
Predicted Audience Age
Predicted Audience Income
Creator Bio
Carolina King

Carolina King

74.2k Followers / Subscribers

Founder of the award winning website Mama Instincts® and owner the Sorta Crunchy Mama Village on Facebook. Carolina is a Latina mom, writer, TV contributor, content creator and speaker who is on a mission to help moms raise happy, healthy and mindful children. Carolina shares conscious parenting advice, wellness and green living education, and ways to live a more natural, healthy life as well as mom life hacks, family fun, recipes, product reviews and kid-friendly things to do.


Sarasota, FL, US

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